Decide now, stand forever

Luke 6:46 – And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?

The Body of Christ is faced with one of the devil’s greatest and most successful tactics at hand – indecisiveness. If the devil can succeed in getting a man of God to be indecisive in matters of doctrine and faith he has won half of the battle already. People today are so mellow over what is right and wrong and are literally tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine (Ephesians 4:14). There are no more people standing up and saying this is what the Bible says and that is final. There aren’t people standing up anymore and saying do not compromise one bit, my God has given me the finer details and I will serve Him in all of them. Where is the backbone? Where are those that hear from God? They are all engulfed in an emotional arena trying to please everyone’s ailments. Instead of approaching it in love and rooting it out, they nurture those ailments and the Biblical liberty Christians have is lost in the process, because we are in bondage to the sugar-coated, indecisive, non-offensive, people-pleasing message. Brethren, It’s a mess!

We must know who we are in Christ, who Jesus is, what is God’s plan, what is going to happen to the world and what is our role in all of it.

If one does not know to which port you are sailing, no wind can be favourable.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Believers do not realize that when they constantly have a sense of uncertainty regarding doctrine, life and faith they have a weakened, unsure demeanor that permeates into their conversations, actions and entire life. This attitude gives rise to a rich man that asks Lord what must I do? Then is not willing to let go of his riches and does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It gives rise to a Nicodemus that knows the truth, but is too indecisive to act upon it. It gives rise to a Lot’s wife that looks back and is turned into a pillar of salt.

Luke 9:62

And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.

When referring back to the first verse we started with in this study, it shows us that the people Jesus is referring to, call Him Lord. Thus it is evident that these are not enemies or strangers to the ways of the Lord. They are willing to accept the Lordship of Christ and His authority on matters of life. In short, these are the people we will call Christians today. These people are 95% of those sitting in churches. They all confess Jesus to be Lord of their lives, but few are willing to lose their comfort or livelihoods for the One they claim to be Lord. Jesus is their Lord as long as it does not interfere with their daily routines and comfort. Jesus looks upon such as these with a pitiful heart with tears of sorrow running down His cheeks, saying “Why do you call me Lord Lord, but do not the things I say?”.

Matthew 15:8

This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.

They profess that they serve the Lord with their mouths, but their heart does not belong to God. Their actions prove their loyalty. You don’t have to look far to see that these type of people are all around us, and at times we also fall into that category. Repent, and confess your love and loyalty, turn back and live completely for God!

I want to quote a few phrases that are typically uttered by “lip worshipers”: “God has given me intelligence, so I can’t just leave everything to Him”, “There are some people that need to fund the Kingdom of God, therefore I chase the next deal”, “God will not allow His people to have hardships”, “You don’t have to do anything, God will meet you where you are, He will bring Heaven to you”. The list goes on, but I just wanted to give you an idea of what I am referring to. Everywhere you go and whenever you listen to most Christian preachers today, the message always has an influx of comfort and prosperity, and those that preach against prosperity infuses their message with predestination “once saved always saved” comfort. Either way the mainstream Christianity is always a message of comfort of some sort, comfort in the physical sense and in the emotional sense. Jesus brings spiritual comfort above measure, even in the midst of the most traumatic physical and emotional situation. The mainstream charismatic movements rock the Christians spiritually to sleep by blinding them with an emotional upheaval, whereas the mainstream reformed movement rock Christians spiritually to sleep, by removing the dutiful service of man and nullifying the possibility of coming to God, and sedating them into a deep sleep until judgement, because they are chosen and thus saved, regardless of the type of life they live. Thus immediately 80% of the Christians caught up in these two branches have been removed from the battle and declared unfit to fight the spiritual battle with power and authority from Jesus Christ. The Charismatics fight with a false spirit, whereas the Reformed fight intellectually, in contrast with the Bible that says worship in Spirit and truth. Now, I believe that in almost every church there are sincere Christians wanting to please the Lord more than anything else, therefore I am saying that there are true sheep in every denomination, but they are currently dying for not being fed, and are being led astray to doctrines of demons.

We cannot get involved in building our own doctrines and sharing our opinions. The Bible is the final authority and we need to submit. We cannot waste time, for the time is short. We cannot get sidetracked, for there is so little truth in the world. We cannot lose our love, for the love of many are already waxing cold. We need to do what Jesus says!

Everything He says is in the Bible. As clear as can be. Surrender to God in all aspects of your life. If there is one part of your heart that is still not surrendered to God that is the exact place where the devil will attack you, so the process of Holiness is life long, but as long as you hold on to something born of yourself and not of God, you give the devil a foothold in your life. There are tests that the Lord puts us through to get rid of the footholds. Those test’s longevity and difficulty is based upon your willingness to remove the aspect of your life that God does not want and is busy pruning.

John 14:15

If ye love me, keep my commandments.

Therefore, we must live holy lives pleasing to God (Keep watching the blog for a future post on Holiness – what it is and what to do, if you need it now it is available – contact us directly)

We must become sold out like the apostles and live a life pleasing to God like their’s:

If we do now what they did then, we will become now what they were then.

It is now the time to make your decision and stick with it, regardless of the repercussions. You confess Jesus as Lord of your life, but make Him Lord of your life as well. Let’s not allow the devil to toy with us anymore. We need strong decisive warriors for God in order to radically change the hearts and minds of the lost world. We know God will provide all our needs, so do not be intimidated by job loss. We know God will provide any love and friendship we need, so do not be afraid of losing friends and loved ones. The disciples had to leave their families behind and follow Jesus. Nothing can stand between your relationship with the Lord. You need to make that decision today! God first – always!

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