My First Journal Entry

My first journal entry. Lord oh Heavenly Father, be here as I pour out my thoughts; my heart; my
frustrations; my guilt; my joy; everything Lord. This is a book dedicated to You and I, and prayers.

A lot has happened since I wrote this… Honestly Lord, this life is not easy. Please guide me, because I would have times in which I feel like I’m going in the right direction but then my path is then derailed in some way, or it is blurred and thus it gets hard to see where I should be going. I really don’t know what to do at this point, it sometimes feels like everything (life) is just happening to me rather than me actually living life. Lord God You’re the only one I trust to show me the way. I’m trying to be better than I was before. I’m trying to resist my old habits, but I tend to fail at times… but one thing I just realized is that I’m trying to fulfill this all by myself, which is wrong.

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