“Is there anything too hard for Me?”

Abraham and Sarah, Jeremiah, Mary, and the rich man all found themselves in seemingly absurd, ridiculous and impossible situations; and yet we see how a feast is prepared for them in the midst of their ‘wilderness’. Let’s dive in!

In Genesis 17:15-21 and Genesis 18:9-15 we read of Abraham and Sarah receiving a promise of the Lord that they shall receive a son; even though being stricken with age and being well beyond the years of childbearing. In worldly eyes this would’ve been characterized as something absurd, ridiculous and impossible! If we look to Abraham and Sarah’s reaction they shared similar thoughts. Both of them laughed! And who could blame them? The odds were stacked against them!

Looking to Jeremiah 32 we are met with Jeremiah’s dreaded circumstances; not only is he in prison but Jerusalem is being infiltrated by the Babylonians! It was in the reign of king Zedekiah, who had thrown Jeremiah in prison for prophesying about the people’s rebellion against God. Saying that Jerusalem will be defeated and that the king will be overthrown. Of course Jeremiah’s words weren’t to the king’s liking, hence his response towards Jeremiah.

If we read further on (v. 16-44) we see yet again a seemingly absurd situation unfolding. Whilst being in prison, in the middle of a siege escalating; Jeremiah is told by the Lord that his cousin will come and visit him in prison with a sales proposal. He is told to buy a field, to invest in land before it’s besieged and captured by the enemy!

Why!? We already know that Jerusalem will be defeated, Jeremiah knew it! Discipline must come for the sins of the people, for their rebellion against God. Jerusalem’s city wall will fall and the people will be scattered. Logically it doesn’t make sense, the property value will be worth nothing since it will be in the possession of the enemy. It’s seems to be such as waste. Jeremiah even prayed for understanding as to why the Lord will give him such a command.

What about Mary? In Luke 1:26-38 Mary is visited by the angel Gabriel saying that she will be with child. How can this be? Scripture clearly says that she is still a virgin, to be married to Joseph. And yet we know that it came to fulfillment – miraculously beyond scientific and medical reasoning, Jesus was born. What a blessing this must have been to Mary that she is the one chosen to carry Jesus in her womb, Scripture even says that the Lord God has found favor upon her. Yet, with it came a sort of shame, being with child even though not being married – look at even Joseph’s initial reaction. People won’t understand, people that don’t believe in the miraculous power of God won’t understand the Scriptures that are being fulfilled through God’s hand. This was and is something shameful and unaccepted if not understood with the backdrop of prophesies in Scripture in mind.

And the rich man in the Luke 18:18-30… He had so much wealth and Jesus tells him to give it all away? How can this be? With wealth comes respect and status! And he should just give it all away?

Each of these persons mentioned found themselves in some sort of a wilderness; a difficult situation, circumstances seemingly absurd, ridiculous and impossible! A trail, a challenge, an obstacle! Situations of shame and sacrifice.

Yet, in each situation God was fully present and fully faithful to His Word and promises!

Abraham, Sarah and Mary are approached with the truth that nothing is too hard for God! Mary is approached with a calling to sacrifice and shame. Jeremiah has been faithful, speaking boldly God’s truth to the people who has rejected God’s ways, after God has been faithful to them in so so so many ways, providing and caring for them! Jeremiah must’ve known he would face some sort of reproach somehow; the logical reaction would be to spare himself the shame and rejection in order to keep social face, yet he is instructed to buy property in some of the most dire of situations possibly imaginable!

We read in Scripture that in every situation God came through! Abraham and Sarah received Isaac! Jeremiah was told to hide the deeds of the purchased land, as God had promised that even though possession of the land was lost and Jerusalem was captured, it will again be in possession of God’s people as a sign of the Lord’s restoration! Even though the siege was of Jerusalem was an absolute surety, the Lord’s restoration was just as much so, too! “Houses and fields and vineyards shall be possessed again in this land.” The Lord will gather the people that was scattered among the nations and bring restoration! And so also Mary; both she and Joseph was physically kept and protected by God.

In times of desperation we might feel so stuck looking at the physical circumstances we find ourselves in that we tend to forget the spiritual! Yes, the physical difficulties are very present and very real, but we won’t be placed in any situation that is too great for us to overcome in the name of Jesus (1 Corinthians 10:13)! At the end of the day it is being in rightstanding with God that counts! We need to press on in faith, standing in the strength and confidence of the faithfulness and omnipotence of our Father. Even if it means asking for understanding in seemingly absurd situations, or just running the race of faith with trust – God will not leave us alone.

Read Psalm 78 and stand in awe of God’s works; how He provided time and time again for His people. We can set our hope in God because He keeps His promises. He freed the Israelites from the chains of bondage in Egypt, He divided the sea so they may pass through! In the daytime He led them with a cloud and at night with fire. From the clave of rocks came water – in the midst of the wilderness He brought forth streams! He provided them with their daily food – manna and quale! Their clothes did not even go to waste; God literally took care of their every need. Despite the mockery of the Israelites – God spread a table for them in the wilderness! A feast of daily provision, yet they forsook His testimonies and turned their back on God.

The rich man turned his back on Jesus when met with a request that would require sacrifice… Yet, Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for us! A sacrifice that cost Him everything! He did not have to do it, if He really wanted to He could’ve backed out, but He didn’t! Because of God, because of Jesus’ obedience we can live! We are made alive after being dead in our sin.

God will keep you and protect you eternally if you give your life to Him, when you give everything over to Him in accordance to Scripture, He will keep you to the very end until Jesus’ return. God spread a table of provision for His people in the desert, God will spread a table for you also in your wilderness – not necessarily physically, but spiritually!

Because of Jesus’ faith in His wilderness, we have life!

I want to ask you the following questions:

What is your current wilderness?

Are you in that current position because God placed you there or because of the consequences of your own choices? Like in the situation of the rich man, the Israelites – they chose to turn their backs on God and rejected His provided salvation in the wilderness.

If because of a current trail, because of pruning by God, know that just like in Abraham and Sarah, Jeremiah and Mary; the Lord will bring His promises to pass! Be encouraged by His works declared all throughout Scripture!

Are you called to do something that requires sacrifice, absurdity, something accompanying shame?

May you trust, taste and see that the Lord is good! May you see, hear and know that nothing is too hard for God. Stand in confidence because of Jesus’ obedience, abide in His Word, His love and His obedience even if it is in seemingly illogical circumstances!

Can God spread a table for you in your wilderness, in the presence of your enemies? Yes, yes He can!

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