The Essence of Forgiveness

A new month has begun. I thank God for getting me this far in life, and for walking with me in this journey. I don’t really know how my future looks like, but I am thankful that I have given God all the reins to my life, and so what I need to do is just follow Your Footsteps Lord. You say that I should pray without ceasing Lord, keep that instilled in me Heavenly Father.


-What is forgiveness and how do we, or rather, how should we forgive? When we pray the Lord’s prayer, we ask God to forgive us as we forgive those who have trespasses against us. When we repent to God, God says He will forgive our sins. How do we forgive? Do we say we forgive others but still bring up their past transgressions? Does the enemy use this to his advantage? When we keep the things that people have done to wrong us, does he use that to play with our minds? When our minds are used as weapons against us we find ourselves loathing ourselves and/or others who were or are in our lives. When we ask for forgiveness of our old sins from God, do we ask God to forgive and forget our sins but still choose to linger on them? Is that our issue?

One thing that God has taught me is that I should forgive even when not asked for forgiveness. And I think the reason for this is not only because we should have forgiving hearts, but also because holding on to the transgressions of others only builds within us the things that are not of God, and the enemy uses it to not only decay the fullness and the joy of life, but that of the lives of those around us. One thing that God has also made me realize, that being able to forgive those around us is a display of the love of God, true love. And so working and loving in the love of God first before anyone else, helps us live in the fullness of His love and thus are able to display a deeper sense of love to others.

And what does it mean to love your neighbour as you love yourself?

Help me to have a Godly pondering upon these thoughts, dear Lord.

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