Am I a Failure? Lord, help me… Please.

Yahweh, I am so sorry for the person I am at this current moment. I feel so lost Father. I feel stuck. And I can’t blame it on anyone, I just feel a constant resistance, God. All I want is to be closer to You and for some reason every time I take the steps or try to take the steps to do so, I just feel a constant resistance.

You have given me so many great examples around me Lord, people who just love to know You, and it’s so amazing Lord. I am so grateful and so overjoyed to be surrounded by Your people Lord. The issue I’m trying to get past Lord is this pressure I feel. Lord You are so amazing, and You’re are so Glorious, and gracious and merciful, and so so incredibly loving Lord, and I just want to be more like You Lord, more patient, more loving, less selfish, more disciplined and diligent. Lord I don’t want to allow the pressures and burdens of this world to get to me.

Father everyone keeps on admiring the Love I have for You, which is not the issue Lord, it’s just that Lord, even though I love You with my very being Lord, I feel like I keep on failing You. I feel like I don’t measure up to what people think I am, and who I should be as Your child, Lord. I am so very sorry. Lord help me be better, because Father, I know You are not limited by my own limitations, and that I should stop putting my own limitations on You Lord, please just help me to stop questioning the Holy Spirit, Lord, help me to fully live for You and to have more faith Father.

Lord, oh Heavenly Father, help me fight all this resistance, everything that’s keeping me from You, for Lord You have just reminded me that we do not battle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Thank You Lord. You are my strength. I can’t do this on my own Lord, thank You for being my strength.

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