Journal Entry: Humble and Willing

Lord God my Savior, in every step I take in this life, You teach me so much. The path I need to take keeps getting clearer, and I find so much peace knowing that You are in constant control even if I may feel lost at times. Lord I thank you for constantly helping and disciplining me. Lord You constantly help me to have a deeper hunger to know You and to have a better understanding of who You are, as well as all Your ways Lord.

Heavenly Father You fascinate me; you are a light I have never encountered before. Your greatness and Your might humbles me Lord. Heavenly Father, please help me remain where You have set me, help me to not try to take control of things that are meant for You. Lord please always remind me that Your will is always greater than that of my own.

Lord I just want more of You, more of You within me than I am of myself. I want to be constantly immersed in Your presence, and for those You place around me to be drawn to You Lord, to gain the desire to know who You are. Let me be a living testimony of Your greatness, and help me to be obedient in all my ways. Lord I am Your living vessel, use me, and give me the strength and the courage to do all that You command of me, and help me bear the fruits of Your Spirit, Lord. I am Yours now and forever; please don’t allow anything to ever change that.

Your willing and humble servant.

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