Ezekiel 14 Walkthrough

Upon the first several times I read this passage it caused a great confusion in my mind. It first appeared contradictory, then illogic and then I was plainly distraught. Yet, we know that the Bible never contradicts and it is the basis for logic, so in my humanly weakness I did not grasp what was meant, nor do I claim that I have yet fully grasped it, however the Lord blesses those that seek Him and His Word with an earnest heart. So it will be a privilege to share my thoughts on what the Lord has showed me in this passage.

Get out your Bible and follow with me.

It starts of in Ezekiel 14:1 with the Elders coming to Ezekiel. First of all we need to be attentive upon the fact that it was the elders, in other words the leaders, that came to him. The next verse is so awe-inspiring in the sense how God spoke to Ezekiel directly and immediately. Moving on to Ezekiel 14:3, we see that these elders (leaders) of Israel had set up idols in their hearts. It wasn’t just set up physically, because the nation demanded it of them, no, it was set up by themselves within their own hearts. It was a part of their desire and they nurtured these idols within themselves. They put these idols right in front of them, notwithstanding that it was the idols alone, it was also the deeds that accompany the idol worship. These iniquities were placed by themselves, right in front of them, as a stumblingblock. With this attitude of raising these idols higher up than God, and betraying His love in giving their hearts to the idols, they come before God’s prophet to hear from God. What audacity!

Let’s stop here for a moment and bring it into context of our daily lives. I think all of us realize that we can be seen as these elders. We come before God, demanding provision or breakthrough, happiness or liberty, yet within our hearts there are no place for God. We have already occupied every part of our heart with an idol of some sort. In this era we are living I think most people’s number one idol is there health. Just look at the world through the lens of this pandemic. People become violent if they think they are endangered. People lose the love for others and the love for Jesus and His Gospel, because they allow this illusion to control their every move. Nevertheless, the Bible warned of these days in Matthew 24:12, the love of many shall wax cold. People will rather scream at another person about his mask instead of telling that person about the Gospel with the fervor of a New Testament apostle under the Great Commission. Where’s the Love? down the drain and replaced with iniquity.

There are many more idols like, wealth, fame, friendship etc. Wealth is an easy idol to talk about as all people live and die for many before they meet Christ, do not let your relationship with the Lord be a means to a prosperous end.

Take fame and friendship for instance, how many professing Christians will not deny their stance on certain topics just to be accepted, or rather not rejected? If there is one strain within you that has a desire to please another human being, you must uproot it immediately and destroy it as quick as possible, otherwise it will devour you piece by piece and change your entire being to an image that the devil wants. Many people out of loyalty of a good, long-lasting relationship that was birthed within the world, think it there responsibility to try and win over the friend that is still in the world. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the viewpoint, but countless of brothers and sisters in Christ have been lost, because they do not listen to God, but their emotions. If that friend is not willing to change and has no desire to serve the Lord, you must shake off the dust from your feet and move on. The harvest is ready, but the labourers are few. If you keep trying even though that person has already decided, you are the one that is going to get pulled down.

You see the correlation in our lives today. We cannot expect to hear from God and live in a close relationship with Him if He is not firstly the sole occupant of it.

Ezekiel 14:4, God tells Ezekiel to firstly address the idols that they thought they could hide and to make sure that they know it will not go unanswered. In 14:5 God says that if you have idols in your heart you are estranged from Him and do not know Him on a personal level.

The next verse once again just shows us how gracious and merciful God is. He addresses the sin and clarifies the fact that there will be punishment, yet He adds on and says that they must repent and turn back to God. Make Him sole ruler of their hearts.

2 Chronicles 7:14

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

In Ezekiel 14:7-8, specifically tells them that if these idols re not removed from their hearts that He will cut them off from the nation as well as His mercy. Not just that, he will be remembered as a proverb reminding what not to do. The last part is important as it says and “ye” shall know that I am the Lord. Meaning the elders, but also all of Israel will be warned through the punishment and know that the Lord is their God.

When looking at Ezekiel 14:9 it can be quite challenging, but remember that God told Ezekiel that God Himself will answer these people. So if the prophet opens up his mouth it was not God that commanded Him to do it so the message would not be Godly as God did not answer through him. Therefore, it will technically classify as a false prophet not walking in the Lord’s direction and therefore God brings the final deception upon him as he already decided not to listen to God. The entire picture becomes clearer in 14:10, where it shows that both the prophet and the man seeking unto the prophet had iniquities and therefore it is not God that caused the prophet to sin. Their punishment will be the same, because neither have listened to God.

Once again in Ezekiel 14:11 the heart of God is revealed. He wants His people to trust in Him, and He will be their provision and sustenance. Therefore, God wants to root out any blemish that causes His people to go astray, or that can plant a seed of rebellion in their hearts. This is exactly what God wants for our lives. He wants us to stay away from all the transgressions that can pollute our relationship with Him.

When we carry on reading from 14:12-21 it is a depiction of what God will do to punish rebellion. Remember God is a just God, so wickedness and rebellion will not go unpunished. God shows us in this passage that it is a very dangerous thing to rebel against Him and the punishment will not be light. He then contrasts the wicked with three of the most righteous men in the Old Testament, namely Noah, Daniel and Job. These three men will just be saved, I mean just, because of their righteousness towards God. Taking this upon ourselves it is important to realize that Jesus has come and taken the punishment for us – that is if we have done everything the Word has commanded to fall under that grace. Yet, I think modern Christianity is taking the concept of salvation much too lightly. Everyone keeps spewing certain lukewarm-forming nonsense like, you are once saved always saved and God will bring Heaven to Earth to meet you here etc. Do we forget that those three righteous men could barely save themselves ,not even any of their children, with their own righteousness? I think we have watered down the conditions of being saved and living a holy life.

Ezekiel 14:22 functions a lot as a typology of the end days in Revelation. It summarizes the whole passage and shows the Omniscience of God. A remnant of people will be left that will do as God desires. This remnant is God’s ultimate goal in rooting out the evil and abominations within the nation. so doing a remnant of God-fearing men and women will be born that will bring honour to God, and put God’s glory and justness on display through their actions. just as in the last days, after God’s wrath we will see the remnant (bride) that is well pleasing to God.

Dear Lord, purify me to be a part of your remnant.

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