Is God inactive?

For today’s study we’ll look to and meditate upon Psalm 77. Dividing it into two main parts; the first being from verses 1-9 and the second being verses 11-20. Please read with me, don’t just take my word for it, study the Word of God and discern if the doctrine is accurate according to Scripture. Whether it be this article or a sermon you’ve heard; always measure everything against the Word of God – if it is in accordance to Scripture; keep it and live it! If not, be sure to identify it and share it with the person proclaiming it so they may also change course to be in line with the truth; we have a responsibility and are accountable before God to do so.

2 Timothy 2:15

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Before we go any further, I want you to keep the following words in mind as we work through the above-mentioned Psalm:





In Psalm 77 we are met with two main themes; the first being the situation Asaph (the writer of this Psalm) is facing, where we are forced to beg the question: “Is God inactive?”. The second where we are answered and proven wrong through the declaration and demonstration of God’s works and the manifestation of God, with a turning point in verse 10.

Asaph is crying out; he is downcast, can’t sleep and is evidently deeply troubled! He is trying and wants to remember the Lord’s love, but his heart struggles to be comforted. He is even at the point of questioning God’s pursuit of him. Crying out where is God in all of this, where is God in the midst of his situation?

Have you ever felt so lost that you question if whether God is really present in your circumstances? If He hears your prayers? Sometimes we might even feel too overcome to pray! Questioning if whether He is faithful to His promises in Scripture? Have you ever felt like giving up and just throw in the towel on life? Asaph certainly felt just as overwhelmed by his circumstances he was facing, feeling as if God has forgotten him.

In 1 Peter 1 we read that life is not all great, life is not about prosperity as so many preachers claim – yes, there are blessings along the way, but we will come across struggles, we will be faced with difficulties and we will be confronted with situations that will leave us feeling just like Asaph. But, there is a beauty in the struggle, as hard as it is to hear; there is – although it might be difficult to identify at times! The result of our struggles is humility, hope, endurance and peace, and in many cases repentance by ceasing from sin. If we fail to see it like that, our focus is primarily earthly and not set on things above. (Colossians 3:2)

After Asaph pours out his heart, we see a turning point in his tone in verse 10:

“…but I will remember the years of the right hand of the most High.”

Right there and then, he stops his thoughts from going any further, grieved by his own thinking that God has changed, God is unfaithful; which is all contrary to his experiences with God, his relationship with Him and contrary to God’s character!

From verses 12-15 we see God’s initiative. We need to know and remember that we are not the start or the end of our lives; the me, myself and I. It’s all God’s initiative removing the blinds from our own eyes, saving us from our sin and reaching out to us by His redemptive power displayed on the cross resulting in salvation from our lives lived in bondage. It’s not because we are smart or clever, not that we should boast or feel empowered that any of this was and is achieved by our own doing, that we are the heroes in our story.

It is and was God’s initiative saving and in sustaining us.

Second and thirdly, we are faced with situations where God might feel invisible and where the outcome, or victory over our circumstances might feel impossible!

Yet, we see how Asaph declares in verse 19 that although God’s footsteps are not known it doesn’t change the fact that they aren’t there! We might not physically see God, but He remains present! Even if seemingly invisible.

Not only so, but Asaph recalls God’s works of old, His testimonies of faithfulness, the display of His might and presence – doing humanly impossible deeds! He recalls how God split the sea for the Israelites, doing something so unimaginable to save His people from harm and redeeming them from the chains of slavery.

Take the leap of faith!

Move forward towards the closed off ocean, move forwards and press on in your circumstances, know and trust that God does the impossible, but requires of you to move forward! Sometimes it doesn’t happen immediately, but put one foot in front of the other and move forward – say that prayer, call out for help towards the Lord even if it is just: “Lord, please help me!”

His seemingly invisible presence, doesn’t make Him absent!


He makes the impossible possible!

In verse 19 it’s reaffirmed that just because we don’t see God’s footsteps it doesn’t mean He stops providing guidance, leading us on paths of righteousness, the path that leads to life eternal in Jesus Christ!

Be comforted with the fact that God addresses each of His children’s needs as the individual that you are. What I mean by this is, you are known by God – deeply and intentionally known by Him! He knows your individual needs, the mountains you are facing and the valleys you find yourself in. (Psalm 139) Know that our God is a Shepherd, not just leading the flock, but also the One that tends to the one, apart from the 99. He is a Shepherd that leads His flock through the valleys and provides us with the strength to face our mountains with boldness and courage!

You are individually known by God, so also your situation.

To conclude, there is a number of things we can take from Psalm 77, from Asaph – if you don’t spend time with God in prayer and in His Word you won’t build a relationship with God and know His character. Therefore, in times of trouble you might depend on worldly and humanly solutions to provide an out for your difficult circumstances; perhaps alcohol, drugs or medication. Worldly and humanly situations will disappoint – they don’t address the root of your circumstances and are only filled with false and empty promises leading to more emptiness and leaving you ever-wanting more.

Secondly, our emotions aren’t reliable, our emotions have the capability to lead us astray and away from the truth! In times where your emotions speaks harder than the truth you need to take authority over them in the name of Jesus by confronting them directly with facts! Facts of God’s works, facts of God’s testimonies! Confront them directly by declaring God’s works. This can either be done by keeping record of how God came through for you in previous times through answered prayers or through miracles that happened in your walk of faith, and read Scripture! The Word of God is full of declarations of His mighty works!

Lastly, give over, not in, over! Give over to God! Pray that God will take control over your situation, either He will change your circumstances, or He will use them to change you – for the better! If you are in your current circumstance as a consequence of the choices you made, ask for forgiveness and turn away from the mistakes you’ve made, learning from it and press on in faith pursuing a life of righteousness and holiness. The fact remains, give over to God – whether it be your circumstances, or your life:

Get comfortable with not being in control!

That doesn’t excuse us from making the right choices or feeling sorry for ourselves in times of struggle – we have everything we need in the example of Jesus Christ to make the right choices and are equipped to face every struggle head on with the guidance He provides through His Word and the Holy Spirit!

That being said; “…remember the years of the right hand of the most High.” and know that God is NOT inactive!

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