Awesome, Glorious God… I Love You

Every now and then, when I go outside, get in the car, and drive to school, I would pray to God to help me drive safely, and to arrive in my destination unharmed. But I told myself that when I start praying, I will always start my prayers with thanksgiving.

At the onset of my prayer my thoughts come to a halt for a minute as I embrace all the blessings God has given me. My eyes look up to the sky, and I embrace the heavens God created with the power of His words. I see the trees around me, still standing strong in their stature and beauty, being inhabited by a variety of species, providing food and shelter, converting our carbon dioxide into oxygen. And I think, how wonderful my God is, how wonderful His design, and how detailed His design is, filled with beauty and purpose. then comes the thought of how grateful I am to be alive, to be able to embrace such blessings, how I’m grateful to set my eyes on the things of God, how I’m grateful that the air still sways in and out of my nose. How I’m able to still feel the cool breeze and the droplets of the rain against my skin. How I can find warmth through a snippet of sun ray present on a cold day. And I think, all the overlooked experiences of life are present in my life through the grace of God, and how extraordinary these things undeniably are.

As I read through Genesis, I tremble when I realize how God created the earth through the command of His voice, I think of how much beauty Adam and Eve must’ve been surrounded with. I think to myself, “Oh how sweet the water must’ve been”, and “how glorious the mornings, how amazing it must’ve been to be surrounded by a clear night filled with glistening stars, not masked by the pollution of this world. How untouched by sin and evil the world must’ve been, completely eluded to the ugliness of the world today. How great it must’ve been to be surrounded by pureness and holiness. Just imagine the joy that filled their hearts, having not been touched by suffering or pain. And I think, If I can feel so much Joy (through God’s grace) in this world, if I can experience such beauty, if I can experience such love and peace, all these blessings God has brought into my life, Oh how great it must’ve been then, and Oh how great it must be in the world to come.

I find so much Joy knowing that I will be with my Father one day.
Thank You Lord, I have no words… Just in complete awe.

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