This is not a Game… it’s Warfare – Help me!

Adonai, my Heavenly Father, I can feel that there is a battle brewing. I feel like there is an internal battle occurring, I can sense it in my spirit, in my dreams, and in my earthly body. Adonai, I feel a constant resistance, I feel like all this resistance is trying to stop me from becoming whole with You Father. There is a battle going on Father, please fight for me, don’t let go of Your grip. Pull me away from my fleshly self. I don’t want to be attached to this world, make me a stranger to this world, let no part of me be chained to the darkness and the corruptness of this world; cleanse me Father, let Your light quench the darkness forever. Father, as I live on this earth, let me be used for Your will and not that of the enemy, let the many doctrines of this world have no part in me.

Father, I realized why You say that the gate leading home is straight, and that the path thereunto is narrow, whereas the gate to hell is so wide and the way so broad. I see it in this world, the many paths taken that are not Yours. As You say Father, the only way home is through Your Son, my King and Messiah, Jesus Christ, in whom I find rest; and yet father, there are so many roads that lead to destruction, even those disguised as roads that lead to You.

Farther it saddens my heart to see what is happening to those who dwell in this world, to see those I love being led by corrupt spirits. But Father, I cannot help anyone if I stay where I am right now, Father help remove the log in my eye so I can properly see and remove the speck off the eyes of the lost souls around me, with Your guidance, and Your wisdom, and Your power.

Father, the enemy has been attacking me at every corner, trying to bring destruction and disrupt the peace You have granted me through Your grace. But Father, You taught me that I should never grow tired, and that I should endure until the end. I find strength in knowing that I am Your child, and that You are my Father. I can endure whatever this world throws at me because I am Yours and have died to this world, not saying that it will be easy because I know it won’t, and it’s not, but I put my trust and faith in You.  This world no longer has any hold on me, and so I should not allow it to do so.

Thank You Father for Your strength and Your embrace, I feel so loved by You.

Thank You Father!

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