God Almighty – You are…

My Heavenly Father, thank You so much for all You have done for me. Thank You for Your strength, thank You for Your love, thank You for Your patience with me, thank You for nurturing and molding me, thank You for being the Truth in a world full of lies and deceit, and thank You for never letting go of me, for not allowing this world’s filthy hands to have any grip on me. Thank You Oh glorious and mighty Father. Your love and mercy knows no end.

Father as I live on in this life, I see Your hand more and more, I know that You’re always in the midst of me, and that You continuously help me grow. I thank You Father for not allowing me to be stagnant, and for always stopping me in my tracks of backsliding. Father I never want to stop growing closer to You, and I never want to go back to my old life, I never want to go back to that empty and death filled life I used to live… I never want to go back. And knowing how far fallen this world is, I never want to claim this world as my home ever again.

Father, also as I grow spiritually, I feel like I have so much more responsibility, and yet, still feel like I lack in so many ways and in so many areas of my life, and in the biblical knowledge I need to attain. Father help me to grow more in Your scripture, to be able to defend my faith and show myself approved. Please guide me Father, equip me for whatever You have set in my path. In the place and position You have planted me, guide my every step, and every thought, Father be the one in control and in charge, for if I do this alone I will surely fail. Even though I feel like I may lack, I know and trust that You don’t, and that You know what You were doing by placing me there and continuously placing in my heart things to say and do. I have peace knowing that You are the final authoritative rule over it all. I find so much peace and strength knowing that You are God, the Lord of Hosts, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. I find rest knowing that no amount of worldly intellect or rule, no amount of demonic power, no amount of worldly works, could ever exceed Your power and magnitude of who You are, nevertheless even scratch the surface.

You are a God that can never lie, You are Love, the Fountain of Living Waters, with You are the Fountain of Life, You are the Bread of Life, You are the I AM, The Beginning and The End, the Alpha and the Omega; You are Yahweh, Lord, the Eternal; Jehovah Rapha, The Lord that Heals; Jehovah Raah, The Lord my Shepherd; El Yeshuati, God of Our Salvation; El Rachum, Compassionate God; El Hakkadosh, The Holy God.

Thank You Father, for all that You are, and that I can rest in Your magnificent embrace.

Names of God in following article https://truthfocus.co.za/2023/02/08/prayer-series-how-to-pray-the-lords-prayer/

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