Tag: Christian Living

Journal Entry: Humble and Willing

Lord God my Savior, in every step I take in this life, You teach me so much. The path I need to take keeps getting clearer, and I find so much peace knowing that You are in constant control even if I may feel lost at times. Lord I...

Biblical, New Testament Watchmen

Many people see themselves as watchmen today, but do more damage than good. You can never be a New Testament, biblical watchmen and warn people of the “wrong”, but not give them the “right” simultaneously or in succession. You see the big problem is that it usually takes too...

Keeping Course

Hebrews 12:1-2 1Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 2 Looking unto Jesus the author...

Am I a Failure? Lord, help me… Please.

Yahweh, I am so sorry for the person I am at this current moment. I feel so lost Father. I feel stuck. And I can’t blame it on anyone, I just feel a constant resistance, God. All I want is to be closer to You and for some reason...

Is God inactive?

For today’s study we’ll look to and meditate upon Psalm 77. Dividing it into two main parts; the first being from verses 1-9 and the second being verses 11-20. Please read with me, don’t just take my word for it, study the Word of God and discern if the...

My First Journal Entry

My first journal entry. Lord oh Heavenly Father, be here as I pour out my thoughts; my heart; myfrustrations; my guilt; my joy; everything Lord. This is a book dedicated to You and I, and prayers. A lot has happened since I wrote this… Honestly Lord, this life is...

Appointed and Equipped

Psalm 24:1 The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. This our starting point for today’s entry. To fully realize our purpose on earth we must firstly acknowledge and believe the authority and rule of God! We are not our own, we...

Thankfulness: How a grateful heart is pleasing unto the Lord.

How wonderful to know that God is not silent and that He reveals Himself to us through His Word when we seek Him with a sincere and earnest heart. (Jeremiah 29:13) An even greater thought is the fact that we can know God and that we are known by...

Are you Saved or Selfish?

It’s only by God’s grace that we have a chance to go to heaven! All the grace contained in (the Bible) is owing to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour;  and, unless we consent to Him as our Lord we cannot expect any benefit by Him as our...

Ambassadors for Jesus: Redeeming the Time!

Ambassadors for Jesus Christ and the redemption of time – two separate concepts and yet both of them intricately connected. The Christian life can be explained only in terms of Jesus Christ, and if your life as a Christian can still be explained in terms of you – your...