Tag: Evangelism

Reject the Backslide – Reclaim your Purpose

There is a war between the saint and satan, and that so bloody one, that the cruelest which ever was fought by men will be found but sport and child’s play to this… The stage wheron this war is fought, is every man’s soul. William Gurnall (1616-1679), British Puritan...

Idols in our midst…

Today we are reading from the book of Acts chapter 17, where Paul was waiting for Silas and Timotheus in Athens. Paul addresses the Athenians in verse 22 saying that in all things they are too superstitions. The state of the Athenians is revealed in just a few verses...

What is your frame of reference?

If we read parts of Mark 6 and John 7, we see a people filled with speculation! They were speculating so much among themselves – who Jesus is, where He came from and what He came to do here on earth that they missed the whole point of that...

Journal Entry: Humble and Willing

Lord God my Savior, in every step I take in this life, You teach me so much. The path I need to take keeps getting clearer, and I find so much peace knowing that You are in constant control even if I may feel lost at times. Lord I...

Keeping Course

Hebrews 12:1-2 1Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 2 Looking unto Jesus the author...

Biblical Debate – Yes/No – Why?

Have you ever heard non-Christians saying things like “Why are there so many opinions about the Bible?”, “Christians can’t even agree on a single topic.”, “Which Church is right at the end of the day?”? This is a serious problem facing the Body of Christ and I don’t deem...

Is God inactive?

For today’s study we’ll look to and meditate upon Psalm 77. Dividing it into two main parts; the first being from verses 1-9 and the second being verses 11-20. Please read with me, don’t just take my word for it, study the Word of God and discern if the...

“Is there anything too hard for Me?”

Abraham and Sarah, Jeremiah, Mary, and the rich man all found themselves in seemingly absurd, ridiculous and impossible situations; and yet we see how a feast is prepared for them in the midst of their ‘wilderness’. Let’s dive in! In Genesis 17:15-21 and Genesis 18:9-15 we read of Abraham...

Appointed and Equipped

Psalm 24:1 The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. This our starting point for today’s entry. To fully realize our purpose on earth we must firstly acknowledge and believe the authority and rule of God! We are not our own, we...