Tag: Salvation

Idols in our midst…

Today we are reading from the book of Acts chapter 17, where Paul was waiting for Silas and Timotheus in Athens. Paul addresses the Athenians in verse 22 saying that in all things they are too superstitions. The state of the Athenians is revealed in just a few verses...

Thankfulness: How a grateful heart is pleasing unto the Lord.

How wonderful to know that God is not silent and that He reveals Himself to us through His Word when we seek Him with a sincere and earnest heart. (Jeremiah 29:13) An even greater thought is the fact that we can know God and that we are known by...

Are you Saved or Selfish?

It’s only by God’s grace that we have a chance to go to heaven! All the grace contained in (the Bible) is owing to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour;  and, unless we consent to Him as our Lord we cannot expect any benefit by Him as our...

Grace and Peace – Special Culmination of the Gospel

You probably notice whilst reading almost any of the Pauline Epistles that Paul’s greetings are usually more or less the same. The question then is: Was it habitual or theologically intentional? The Word of God is God-breathed and inspired, so it is crucial to put emphasis on every single...

Cain and Abel: Determine God’s framework for acceptance

Many a man has wondered what exactly pleases God. How is God pleased now? Was He pleased the same way in the Old Testament? Cain brought an offering, yet he was rejected, how is that fair? There is a plethora of questions arising from the history of Cain and...