Tag: Writing

Be an Active Lifesaver in the Ocean of Life

Life is cruel – some would say. Life is unfair – others would say. Life is a blessing – will be resounded by yet another group. Why all these different perspectives and takes on life? Some are drowning in the ocean of life having fallen in a pit of...

Reject the Backslide – Reclaim your Purpose

There is a war between the saint and satan, and that so bloody one, that the cruelest which ever was fought by men will be found but sport and child’s play to this… The stage wheron this war is fought, is every man’s soul. William Gurnall (1616-1679), British Puritan...

God Almighty – You are…

My Heavenly Father, thank You so much for all You have done for me. Thank You for Your strength, thank You for Your love, thank You for Your patience with me, thank You for nurturing and molding me, thank You for being the Truth in a world full of...

Prayer Series: How to Pray – The Lord’s Prayer

We have quickly looked at some types and manners of prayer in the Prayer Series: Introduction (https://truthfocus.co.za/2023/01/21/prayer-series-introduction/), but now a fundamental part to expound on early in the series is the most important image of our daily prayer life as it is the example that our Lord and Saviour,...

Insufficiency of the Flesh conquered by a Godly Mindset

Something I’ve realized while fasting is that, we as people tend to seek temporary satisfactions. And funny enough, even though they can be quite futile, they are things most people go for and depend on. Why? Because they are immediate and easily accessible. One thing that made me think...

Relevance vs. Reverence

Have you ever heard the saying that “culture is outgrowing the Bible”, or “Religion is not culturally acceptable anymore”. This leads to churches and Christians concluding that we must hype up the Gospel message to make it look appealing to the masses. Hence this discussion of relevance vs reverance...

Prayer Series: Introduction

Prayer is usually a mundane topic of necessity in churches today. Preaching about revivals, evangelism and growth tends to be more appealing. We do not however realize that anything without a proper foundation cannot stand. Jesus Christ is our foundation (1 Cor 3:11). The only way to hear and...

This is not a Game… it’s Warfare – Help me!

Adonai, my Heavenly Father, I can feel that there is a battle brewing. I feel like there is an internal battle occurring, I can sense it in my spirit, in my dreams, and in my earthly body. Adonai, I feel a constant resistance, I feel like all this resistance...

Jesus is more than enough

I believe there is much more to Christianity than everyone is experiencing and that more is – Jesus. You see, the problem is that we become infatuated with other things that tend to interfere with our direct relationship with Jesus. We all know about the bad things that cause...

Doubt – Away With You!

O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? (Mat 14:31) An all-time piercing question asked by Jesus when Peter got swallowed in Fear after having one of the most glorious triumphs any follower of Christ has had in the past. Picture this scene logically – Peter literally walked...