Tag: Writing

Idols in our midst…

Today we are reading from the book of Acts chapter 17, where Paul was waiting for Silas and Timotheus in Athens. Paul addresses the Athenians in verse 22 saying that in all things they are too superstitions. The state of the Athenians is revealed in just a few verses...

Journal Entry: New Creature in Christ – I have Victory

Heavenly Father, please Help me let go of the influences of the world. Lord help me to focus on You. I feel that there’s a constant war brewing, fighting for my attention. Lord, keep me away from the enemy’s hands. Remove me from all distractions, Lord God, please keep...

What is your frame of reference?

If we read parts of Mark 6 and John 7, we see a people filled with speculation! They were speculating so much among themselves – who Jesus is, where He came from and what He came to do here on earth that they missed the whole point of that...

Trust God for the Victory

In the past there were probably attempts of comfort through words like, “The Lord will fight for you, you need to be still.” Exodus 14:14. What does it really mean in my life? As this is Old Testament scripture, does it have relevance on me? How can I apply...

Journal Entry: Humble and Willing

Lord God my Savior, in every step I take in this life, You teach me so much. The path I need to take keeps getting clearer, and I find so much peace knowing that You are in constant control even if I may feel lost at times. Lord I...

Biblical, New Testament Watchmen

Many people see themselves as watchmen today, but do more damage than good. You can never be a New Testament, biblical watchmen and warn people of the “wrong”, but not give them the “right” simultaneously or in succession. You see the big problem is that it usually takes too...

Awesome, Glorious God… I Love You

Every now and then, when I go outside, get in the car, and drive to school, I would pray to God to help me drive safely, and to arrive in my destination unharmed. But I told myself that when I start praying, I will always start my prayers with...

Keeping Course

Hebrews 12:1-2 1Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 2 Looking unto Jesus the author...

Am I a Failure? Lord, help me… Please.

Yahweh, I am so sorry for the person I am at this current moment. I feel so lost Father. I feel stuck. And I can’t blame it on anyone, I just feel a constant resistance, God. All I want is to be closer to You and for some reason...

Biblical Debate – Yes/No – Why?

Have you ever heard non-Christians saying things like “Why are there so many opinions about the Bible?”, “Christians can’t even agree on a single topic.”, “Which Church is right at the end of the day?”? This is a serious problem facing the Body of Christ and I don’t deem...